Going Indie With Your Writing Career? Important Reasons To Hire A Professional Editing Service Before Publishing

Each year, thousands of new authors submit manuscripts to traditional publishing companies in hopes of receiving a contract that will speed them on their way to becoming a well-known author. Unfortunately, the majority of these authors receive a rejection letter for their efforts. Authors who have been rejected in this manner, as well as those who choose not to seek a contract with a traditional publishing company, can choose to publish their book independently and market their book as an ebook, paperback, hardcover, or audio format by using a variety of platforms and services designed for the indie author. 

While most indie authors are careful to take steps to ensure that their work is of high quality, some balk at the suggestion that they should have their manuscript professionally edited before publishing it. Indie authors who feel their work does not require professional editing may find the following information to be enlightening. 

Authors struggle to see their own typos, spelling, and grammar mistakes

One of the most obvious reasons for opting to hire a professional editor is that most writers lack the ability to catch their own typos, spelling, and grammar mistakes. While this problem is most apparent in freshly written material, the writer is often so familiar with their own story that even waiting a few weeks to edit may not help them spot the mistakes that they make most often, such as using there, their, and they're incorrectly. A professional editor will be much more likely to view each manuscript objectively and catch mistakes that can affect reader enjoyment. 

Authors can fail to recognize plot holes, details, and general flow issues 

Authors can also fail to recognize issues that affect the flow of the story or involve plot holes that interrupt or derail the story. The hours required to develop a manuscript from an idea into a well-rounded story are significant, even for successful authors. As time passes and the story builds, it can be difficult for the author to keep track of all the details required for the story to flow forward and hold the reader's interest. While authors must focus on small details in order to write the story, professional editors are able to view the entire arc of the story to ensure that the direction remains true to the original story ideas and outline. 

Authors who feel that they cannot afford to hire a professional editor may not fully understand that doing so can be an important step in avoiding bad reviews and lost sales based solely on a lack of editing. To learn more about editing services for your independently published books, take time to discuss your concerns with a reputable professional editing service in your area. 

For more information on business editing, contact a professional near you.
