What To Know About Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration

Thinking of getting a reverse osmosis water filtration system for your home, but want to know a bit more about it before you decide to make the big purchase? Here is what you need to know about this specific type of water filtration system.

The Installation Is Easy For Under Sink Models

If you are debating between a whole-home water filtration system or one for just your kitchen, know that an under-sink model is going to be incredibly easy to install. It typically just requires connecting it to your water supply before it goes to the faucet, so there are minimal connections to make in order to start getting filtered water. Part of the reason that installing a reverse osmosis water filtration system is so easy is that the filter is incredibly compact. You shouldn't have any problem fitting an under-sink model in a kitchen. However, a whole-home system is going to be much more complicated and should be left to a professional. 

The Filtration System Works Great For Well Water

Homeowners that use well water are going to enjoy the benefits of reverse osmosis filtration because it helps remove those minerals that are likely to be found in your well water. This will make it taste better when used for drinking water, as well as give you peace of mind for cooking with it as well. You'll no longer need to buy bottled water again to have clean drinking water. 

The Water Won't Be Ready To Drink Right Away

Be aware that you won't be able to drink the water from a reverse osmosis water filtration system right away. Always check the instructions that come with your water filter, but it is common for the system to require that water trickles through the filter for a day or two until it is completely safe to drink

The Water Pressure May Be Reduced

Under-sink water filters do run into a problem where the water pressure may not be as forceful as your water before the filter was installed. The is due to the pressure tank being smaller and forcing the water through the faucet much slower than what you are used to. Thankfully, these filters typically require a second faucet to be installed on your sink, so you can still go back to your normal faucet with full water pressure that does not have filtered water.

For more information about water filtration, contact a local filtration company.
